I thought it would be fun to throw some celebrity gossip into the mix of our debates on ethics.
I love celeb gossip and mingling on the red carpet at the parties in NYC and LA. Pertaining this article, I think it is the perfect example of unethical celeb gossip.
I wonder, how a writer could associate Mini Hannah Montana (9 year old Noah Cyrus) with Halloween whores?
I think this article is an ideal example of unethical practices of journalism- associate 9 year-old Noah Cyrus, dressed-up in a skanky Halloween costume with how teens and adolescence take integrity in dressing-up as sluts for Halloween. This article is the perfect treat for pedophiles. It is just repulsive.
I feel bad for the child. It is tragic because I doubt Cyrus has the knowledge to make her own final decisions, you got to blame the parents. In this case both Cyrus's publicist and the journalist are contributing to her reputation as the next play boy bunny prostitute.
I would never run an article like this, it is disgusting and perverted. Would anyone else gossip about a 9 year-old girl dressed-up as a Halloween whore? Or photographed on strip polls?
Though this photo is not drastically edited. I think this picture deserves the disclaimer above all because it would probably get banned as an ad campaign.
Would Cyrus's parents be proud or petrified? I could never associate myself with developing this story. I could never link a little girl to halloween whores. What are your thoughts? Would you publish a story write about a child whore based on the photo above?
What does President Obama have to do with your gossip fascination?
I don't consider this foto unethical, unless you imply that the media dressed him up, posed him and paid him to stand still.
What if he went as a baseball player, could you have made a negative reference to steroids... a hockey player (brains and teeth) a doctor (over-billing medicare whore)? It goes on and on.
And, it's 2009, shouldn't we praise gender bending.?
Finally, in particular instance, a charity event, the media's function is not in loco parentis.
Didn't you find shots of Donatella Versace, from this same event, far more disturbing.
The fact that the media compared a 9 year old to haloween whores is much more disturbing.
It's nothing unusual in show business or even the real world today for teens/tweens ,looking and dressing in attire that is either incredibly provocative or absolutely age inappropiate. This costume" under the guise of Halloween ,is another example of just that.
By commenting on it, the media is just doing what they do!They are bringing attention to it!That's exactly what her parents and managers want, why else would they expose her in that light?Publicity and image building are more important than anything else in the media,and by showcasing her like that they are creating just that.Although I'm sure they would say otherwise!
I agree with Valerie. This is definitely a publicity ploy. The parents and agent are just investing into the girl's future. She's most likely the heir to the Disney tween demographic empire, so why not start getting her into the media now?
That's all I see this as.
I don't think of gossip columns as news. It's poor taste to compare a 9 year old to a "halloween whore," but the relevance of this as news is just not there.
I think President Obama, being a father of young gilrs, would be disgusted at this article. It is totally unethical to associate such vulgarity as "halloween whores" to an innocent nine year old girl. I'm certain it was not the young Cyrus who paid for the dress hence her parents / publicisit are to blame. With that being said I must stress it is still corssing a journalistic line, in my opinion, to make perverted and pejorative comments about an innocent nine year old girl
I agree with Amar.
I am not appalled by the media capturing Cyrus in the spotlight. Nor how she is dressed to some extent. Everyday celebrities and their children are featured in magazines- showcasing the latest trends. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Regarding the content of the article... I think it is unethical for a journalist to write about how halloween is the perfect excuse to dress like a slut; and compare how a 9 year old child is dressed as a "skank" on halloween.
I think Obama would be disgusted by the content of this article, as a father. In this case, I think the media is making a contribution to exploiting a child inappropriately.
The Cyrus photo is what it is, a photo of something real that happened. While I was a little older when Madonna hit the scenes with her provacative outfits, sure enough me and my teenage girlfriends all were dressed as Madonna that Halloween, inappropriate as the look was. Children have always been mirrors of the truth. I have a fifteen month old daughter and she models everything she sees us do. The real tragedy here is that this is this childs Madonna costume, which reflects what is acceptable in society today. I don't think publishing the photo is the problem. The journalist ethical error is, as you note, in creating the link between a 9-year-old girl and Halloween whores. It is sad and unfortuante.
I agree w/ Crystal. Gossip columns are not news. They are sensationalist and if a person chooses to read one then more power to them. And since they are not news, in my opinion, ethics fly out the window.
I appreciate Crystal and Nicole's comments. And I disagree.
Though gossip and opinion columns are soft news, as oppose to hard.
I think soft news such as opinion/gossip columns on celebs, social trends, fashion, etc and their impact on our culture and society are very newsworthy. Also trends featured in lifestyle and entertainment sections of news publications have an impact on our choices and opinions; and on how other people may perceive us. It is incorporated into our ethics since people would avoid us, if we were unconfident, unfashionable or lacked knowledge in the world of pop culture.
Though I think it is shallow, people do judge each other from the outside before they believe our qualities on the inside such as ethics, beliefs, morales, and values.
Also if opinion/gossip columns were "not newsworthy" than newspapers nor magazines would allocate the space.
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