Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Admit it -- We don't really think about the troops

My friend back from Iraq says that as the president and Congress waffle, hedge and backtrack on battlefield decisions, those we are fighting against in Iraq and Afghanistan sense an advantage. They don't believe the will of the U.S. government or its citizens is behind the U.S. troops they confront. They believe they can continue to pick off our troops one or 10 at a time, wait them out and then watch them head home with nothing to show for their pain and effort.

Since World War II, it can be argued that we have sent our young men and women into harm's way for politically expedient or not completely thought-out reasons. Too often of late, the decision to send our young to war has been made by those who never served, who sought continuous deferments or who never left the safety of the United States while serving.

We are very fortunate to have our troops fighting for us, but the mission really needs to be clearly defined. With the new administration the focus has shifted from Iraq to Afghanistan now, but the question to ask is are we really winning the war?

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